Fabrication of the Tartrazine Voltammetric Sensor based on Surfactant Modified Carbon Paste Electrode
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Published: 7 November 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
In this paper, TX-100 modified carbon paste electrode (TX-100MCPE) was fabricated for the resolution of tartrazine (TZ). The modified electrode showed magnificent electrocatalytic activity towards TZ. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) was used to characterize the electrochemical properties of modified electrodes. CV studies point out that the oxidation of TZ at the modified electrode surface was irreversible, adsorption controlled, and reaction which involves one electron transfer. The effects of different experimental parameters like pH, Scan rate, Concentration on the voltammetric response of TZ were investigated. After optimizing the experimental parameter, the oxidation peak current of TZ was linear to its concentration in the range of 6×10-6 to 1×10-4 M, and the detection limit was 11.14×10-7 M. The modified electrode was found to be, inexpensive, provide good stability and reproducibility.
Keywords: Tartrazine, Carbon paste electrode, TX-100, cyclic voltammetry, Differential pulse voltammetry.

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How to Cite
Chenthattil Raril, Jamballi G Manjunatha, Girish Tigari, Nagarajappa Hareesha. (2018-11-07). "Fabrication of the Tartrazine Voltammetric Sensor based on Surfactant Modified Carbon Paste Electrode." *Volume 2*, 4, 21-26